
Coalition Updates

Legislature Must Make Covid-19 Safe Harbor A Priority

After a brief summer break, the House reconvenes this week week on September 1 and 2. There is plenty to do, particularly related to Covid-19 and the need to take action on safe harbor liability protection. Senator Lisa Baker (R) introduced SB 1239 in July to provide temporary relief from opportunistic lawsuits that seek to…

Pittsburgh Attorney Makes Argument for Liability Protection

Michael Feeney, Esq., PCCJR member and partner in the Pittsburgh firm Matis Baum O’Connor, wrote a compelling op-ed recently in Law360 extolling the sacrifice and service provided by our health care heroes and the need to protect them from liability during this time of crisis. Read “Health Workers Need Better COVID-19 Liability Protections” here.

Publication: Law360

America Needs Jobs, Not Lawsuits – Spread the Word

Job Shield America produced this video to warn of Covid-19’s collateral crisis, — a growing wave of illegitimate pandemic-related lawsuits. These lawsuits threaten to undermine the economy and critical health care solutions. America needs health care, vaccines, and jobs – not lawsuits. Share this video to share the message!

PCCJR Backed Bill Protects from COVID Liabiity, Promotes a Smart Restart

PCCJR-supported SB 1239 has been introduced by Senator Lisa Baker (R), Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee. This legislation provides safe harbor against liability suits for medical practitioners and facilities, as well as for manufacturers and distributors of personal protective equipment. Pennsylvania’s small and large businesses are also shielded from suits alleging exposure to Covid-19 as they…

Holding the Line on False Claims

Late in May, we reported the introduction of H.B. 2352, a state False Claims bill that would incentivize bounty hunting plaintiffs’ and their attorneys to seek recoveries against businesses contracting with the Commonwealth. It’s a lose-lose proposition letting loose lawsuit-happy bounty hunters on a state already fraught with lawsuit abuse. PCCJR’s strong opposition has thus far prevented the False…

Momentum Builds for COVID-19 Safe Harbor Legislation

A bill to provide safe harbor liability protections for manufacturers of personal protective equipment, health care institutions and providers treating COVID-19 patients, as well as businesses subjected to exposure lawsuits, is circulating in the state Senate. The soon-to-be-introduced bill is gaining momentum and needs additional co-sponsors. Senator Lisa Baker, Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee,…