
News & Updates: Health Care

“Junk Science” Leads to Lucrative Pay Day for Trial Attorneys

Plaintiffs’ attorneys have found a new avenue to pursue lawsuits against businesses across the nation thanks to dubious “scientific” research being promoted by a private Connecticut laboratory. An opinion piece written by American Tort Reform Association President Tiger Joyce notes that Valisure lab has already come under scrutiny for its scientific methods and research practices. Joyce…

Plaintiffs’ Attorneys Spend Big on Campaigns and Advertising in PA!

Two recent reports by the American Tort Reform Association (ATRA) highlight the financial lengths plaintiffs’ attorneys are willing to go to secure high levels of influence in Pennsylvania’s political arena as well as in the public perception. The first study found that since 2017, the state trial bar’s PAC (LawPAC) and the Philadelphia Trial Lawyers’ Association’s PAC (the Committee…

Climate Litigation Update

Last week we highlighted an emerging abuse of our civil justice system via a nationally coordinated climate litigation campaign aimed at the energy sector. As noted in the article, Bucks County recently jumped on the climate litigation band wagon – filing a suit against several energy companies seeking damages for the effects of climate change. While…

ILR Releases Study on Philadelphia Asbestos Cases

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s Institute for Legal Reform recently unveiled a study examining the issues of over naming defendants and the need for bankruptcy trust transparency in the litigation of asbestos cases. The report analyzes cases filed in Philadelphia and found that plaintiffs in asbestos cases have never been exposed to asbestos from many of…