PCCJR’s Executive Director, Curt Schroder, appeared on Lincoln Radio Journal this week in a wide ranging discussion of problems plaguing Pennsylvania’s courts. Listen to the broadcast here.
News & Updates: Health Care
Docs hit with fewer malpractice suits as COVID lockdowns curtailed procedures
Curt Schroder: Pennsylvania once again a top judicial hellhole, with Philly courts leading the way
PCJR Executive Director Discusses PA’s Litigation PRoblems
State Supreme Court Ruling Expands “Traveling Employee Doctrine” to Include Employer Sponsored Happy Hours
A recent ruling from the Pennsylvania Supreme Court significantly expands employers’ workers compensation liability. Will it mean the end of office happy hours and office holiday gatherings? The case, Peters v. Workers Compensation Appeals Board, centers on injuries sustained in a car crash by a traveling salesperson for Cintas Corporation following a work-sponsored happy hour. In a unanimous…