
Coalition Updates: Business

COVID-19 Heroes Deserve Immunity

Pennsylvania is facing new and unexpected challenges as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Health care providers and businesses large and small are incurring risk to provided life-saving care, equipment, and goods to get us all through this public health crisis. They deserve our gratitude and support. Yet, this week the legislature went home without…

Stepping Up: PCCJR members Ford and 3M

Ford is working with 3M to produce personal protective gear for healthcare workers and address shortages resulting from the COVID-19 crisis. These PCCJR members announced this week they will produce a new kind of Powered Air-Purifying Respirator (PAPR) for healthcare workers, while also helping to increase production of 3M’s current respirator device. Three cheers for this…

PA Supreme Court Closes Courts, Cancels April Arguments

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court has canceled arguments in late April as part of a statewide effort to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. The cases that were scheduled for argument will be decided on the briefs already submitted to the courts unless parties request otherwise. The Supreme Court declared a statewide judicial emergency on March 18,…

Senate Judiciary Committee Postpones Hearing on LBFC’s Venue Report

The Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing on the LBFC’s medical liability venue report, originally scheduled for March 23, has been postponed. PCCJR will update you as soon as it is rescheduled. As Pennsylvania continues to deal with the threat posed by the COVID-19 virus, we will all be adjusting to the new reality of schedule disruption.…

PCCJR Addresses Business Community on Civil Justice Concerns

Cost of Lawsuits and Rule Change Proposal the focus of Live Monthly Business Brief PCCJR updated Pennsylvania’s business community during a Facebook Live Monthly Business Brief event hosted by the Pennsylvania Chamber of Business and Industry and the PA Manufacturers’ Association. Click the photo above to watch a replay of the discussion, which includes the…

Amazon Liability Case Highlights Need for “Innocent Seller” Law

A recent federal court case in the Third Circuit highlighted the need for legislation to catch up with the realities of modern, internet-based commerce, including a product seller bill that would help brick-and-mortar retailers just as much as it would help e-commerce. “We can either move into these modern methods of commerce that the internet…