No Statute or Precedent Safe in PA! Pennsylvania courts top the list of “Judicial Hellholes” for the second year running. The dubious distinction, compiled annually by the American Tort Reform Foundation (ATRF), points to a string of pro-plaintiff decisions issued by the state Supreme Court and the long-standing reputation for big-city courts to welcome venue shopping…
News & Updates: Business
Poll: Americans support COVID-19 liability protections for employers
Pennsylvania Courts Top ‘Judicial Hellholes’ List
Editorial: Pennsylvania Vetoes Help for Business
New Poll Shows Majority of Americans Support Protecting Employers from COVID-19 Lawsuits
PCCJR Urges Congress to Act Before the End of the Year! (Harrisburg, PA) The Pennsylvania Coalition for Civil Justice Reform (PCCJR) today said a new national survey released by the U.S. Chamber Institute for Legal Reform confirms public support for safe harbor legislation to protect businesses, professionals and organizations providing vital serves through the Covid-19 pandemic.…