The Commonwealth followed national trends this past election cycle with Republicans claiming victory in a number of key races throughout the state. The GOP swept all three row office seats – Treasurer, Auditor General and Attorney General. Additionally, Republican Dave McCormick defeated incumbent Democrat Bob Casey for the US Senate seat. The results for the…
Coalition Updates: Community
U.S. Chamber Report Highlights High Costs of Legal System on Pennsylvania Taxpayers
A new U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Institute for Legal Reform study (Tort Costs in America) shows the extreme cost of the civil litigation system and its impact on taxpayers. The study found that nationally, tort costs totaled $529 billion. This equates to 2.1 percent of the national gross domestic product and $3,621 per household. When…
Check Out PCCJR’s “2024 Voter Guide” Before Heading to the Polls
The 2024 General Election is just around the corner. This year, voters will have an opportunity to significantly change the make-up of Pennsylvania government, with half of the state Senate (25 seats) and all 203 seats in the state House on the ballot. To better help voters understand issues that impact the state’s civil justice…
Article Explains Impact of Venue Shopping on Women’s Health Care
A second Philadelphia news outlet has sounded the alarm when it comes to med mal venue shopping and the negative effects it has on access to critical healthcare services. The most recent article comes via the Philadelphia Citizen and directly ties venue shopping with limited maternity/obgyn care and maternal mortality. The article delves into how the original med mal…
PCCJR Unveils “2024 PA Voter Guide” Ahead of General Election
Elections have consequences – the results of which can significantly impact your chance of getting sued! This November, the entire state House (203 members) and half of the Senate (25 members) will be on the ballot. To help voters have a better understanding of the issues that affect the state’s civil justice climate and also…
House Liability Reform Legislative Package Targets Lawsuit Abuse
PCCJR applauded a liability reform legislative package unveiled by Rep. Torren Ecker and other members of the House Republican Caucus on Wednesday. Pennsylvania has long held the dubious reputation of having an overly litigious legal climate – a fact underscored by the state’s consistent ranking as one of the nation’s worst judicial hellholes. This litigation reform package will…