To the surprise of absolutely no one, except perhaps some plaintiffs’ attorneys in denial, medical liability case filings in Philadelphia surged in January compared to the same period in 2022. According to data from a PCCJR analysis, the number of medical malpractice case filings in Philadelphia in January of this year has more than tripled compared to…
News & Updates: Business
Number of Medical Liability Cases Filed in Philadelphia Dramatically Increases
The number of medical malpractice cases filed in the Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas in the first week of the New Year has already surpassed the number of cases filed during the entire month of January 2022. Recent data collections show that between January 1, 2023 and January 6, 2023 there were 19 medical malpractice cases…
State House Elects Rozzi as Speaker, Gridlock Over Rules Ensues
The New Year is barely underway, but partisan disagreements stemming from the 2022 General Election continue to hinder operations in the state House of Representatives. Per the state constitution, members gathered on the first Tuesday of January to be sworn into office and to vote on a Speaker – something that politicos throughout the state were…
“60 Minutes” Segment Examines Third-Party Litigation Funding
An emerging industry of investment firms that are providing the funds for civil litigation is quietly changing the United States’ legal landscape. Television news program “60 Minutes” recently took a look into the rising trend of third-party investors helping to fund lawsuits. As noted in a recent Wall Street Journal editorial, litigation financing has led to a significant increase in tort…
Pennsylvanians Bear the Cost of Overly Litigious Legal Climate
The Wall Street Journal recently highlighted the personal costs associated with our country’s lawsuit-friendly legal environment. In an editorial printed earlier this month, the news outlet referenced a recent study by the U.S. Chamber’s Institute for Legal Reform that analyzed the economic costs – and the costs to taxpayers – of America’s tort system. As PCCJR noted in a previous newsletter, the…
Dog Bite Attorney Sued… When His Dog Attacks!
A well-known plaintiffs’ attorney in the Philadelphia region is getting an expensive lesson in becoming the target of civil litigation. Personal injury attorney Dean Weitzman, aka “MyPhillyLawyer,” and his wife are on the hook for a more than $3.1 million verdict in a case involving the family dog. A woman filed suit against Weitzman last January claiming she…