
News & Updates: Business

High Medical Malpractice Jury Verdicts: “The Crisis is Here”

Pennsylvania is seeing a staggeringly high number of medical malpractice verdicts with devastating damage awards. Since January of 2023, the number of medical malpractice cases filed in Philadelphia’s notoriously verdict friendly Court of Common Pleas has sharply increased, as have the number of “nuclear” verdicts. The impact this negative trend is having on the Commonwealth’s health care…

Time to Put an End to Litigation Tourism

Philadelphia has long held the reputation of being one of the worst “judicial hellhole’s” in the country thanks to its notoriously plaintiff friendly, high-verdict court system. A key factor in this designation is Philadelphia’s Complex Litigation Center (CLC), which was created in 1992 to handle complex mass tort cases and quickly became a beacon for trial…

PA House Passes Legislation that Will Further Strain State’s Health Care System

In late June, the state House of Representatives moved forward with legislation (HB 106) that will impose impossible staffing ratios that will put some hospitals out of business and raise costs for others. This legislation would only exacerbate the strain health systems across the Commonwealth are already facing due to the state’s updated medical malpractice venue rule.…