“Junk Science” Leads to Lucrative Pay Day for Trial Attorneys

Plaintiffs’ attorneys have found a new avenue to pursue lawsuits against businesses across the nation thanks to dubious “scientific” research being promoted by a private Connecticut laboratory.

An opinion piece written by American Tort Reform Association President Tiger Joyce notes that Valisure lab has already come under scrutiny for its scientific methods and research practices. Joyce writes, “The lab’s pattern is clear: Conduct unrealistic product testing, make alarming claims about contamination, and invite a litigation frenzy targeting what are perceived as deep-pocketed companies.”

Valisure’s testing methods include subjecting a product to exceedingly high temperatures – far beyond what the products are instructed to be stored at. In 2022, U.S. District Judge Robin Rosenberg cited the lab’s “lack of documentation,” “lack of substantiation for analytical leaps,” and “lack of statistically significant data” behind the decision to throw-out litigation targeting Zantac. In that instance, the lab heated Zantac to over 200 degrees Fahrenheit and then published the “health risks” that resulted.

Despite Valisure’s history of unreliable research, the company was able to secure a contract with the Department of Defense thanks to close ties to federal elected officials.

You can read the opinion column in its entirety here 

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