Don’t miss out on an upcoming opportunity to earn 1.5 substantive CLE credits at an upcoming PCCJR event. The virtual program will focus on recent appellate cases. The event will take place on Thursday, April 25 from 10:30 a.m. – Noon. The cost to participate is $35. More information – including how to register – can be found online.
Coalition Updates: Health Care
Access to Critical Health Care Services Threatened by Venue Rule Change
Vital for Supreme Court to establish fair, transparent review process The 2022 Pennsylvania Supreme Court reversal of the state’s medical liability venue rule is leading to a health care crisis in the Commonwealth. As PCCJR has previously noted, the rule change allows for venue shopping in the state – with a notable increase in the number of…
PCCJR to Host CLE Reviewing Appellate Cases
The Pennsylvania Coalition for Civil Justice Reform will host a 1.5 substantive credit CLE course on April 25. The program will feature a panel discussion reviewing the most recent appellate decisions shaping civil law in Pennsylvania. Important appellate decisions will be analyzed so that litigators and in-house counsel will be equipped with up-to-date developments impacting…
Climate Litigation Campaign is Latest Abuse of Broken Civil Justice System
Pennsylvania’s notorious reputation as one of the country’s worst judicial hellholes has made it a prime target for a nationally coordinated climate litigation campaign targeting productive sectors of the economy. PCCJR executive director Curt Schroder recently wrote about this issue – and the negative ramifications these types of lawsuits can have on the state’s economy and…
Taxpayers Threatened by Efforts to Eliminate Caps on Damages
The Commonwealth’s long-standing law granting sovereign and official immunity for the state, its officials and its employees and caps on damages for these entities will be reviewed by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court. In an opinion column published by the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, PCCJR Executive Director Curt Schroder highlighted the need for caps as a way to protect taxpayers from…
Supreme Court Justices Comment on Med Mal Venue Rule Change
House Appropriations budget hearings are normally staid affairs featuring mind numbing inquiries on programs supported by legislative appropriations, the crunching of budget figures, and the justification for requested increases or cuts to a department. It is unglamorous and tedious, but a necessary prerequisite to passage of the Commonwealth’s annual spending plan. For the first sixty minutes of…