Man in suit at desk writing with a shelf of books in the background.

Appellate Review: A review of leading civil cases from PA’s appellate courts, 2023-2024

A 1.5 Substantive Credit CLE Course.

Date: Thursday, April 25, 2024
Time: 10:30 a.m.–Noon
Location: This is a distance-only program.  
Cost: $35 per person

Our distinguished panel will review the most recent appellate decisions shaping civil law in Pennsylvania. Important appellate decisions will be analyzed so that litigators and in-house counsel will be equipped with up-to-date developments impacting all aspects of civil litigation in Pennsylvania.


John Hare, Esq., Appellate Chair, Marshall Dennehey 

Casey Coyle, Esq., Appellate Co-Chair, Babst, Calland, Clements and Zomnir, P.C. 

Louis C. Long, Esq., Partner, Thomas, Thomas and Hafer 

Checks mailed and payable to:
Pennsylvania Coalition for Civil Justice Reform
PO Box 653, Harrisburg, PA 17108
PCCJR can only accept checks at this time.

A link to the program will be sent closer to the event.

