
Coalition Updates

Plaintiffs’ Attorneys Take to the Airways and Social Media to Build Mass Litigation Suits

The Wall Street Journal recently reported on a tactic employed by plaintiffs’ attorneys to increase the number of clients in various mass litigation suits: targeted campaigns featuring television commercials, social media ads and digital advertising seeking litigants in personal-injury and product-liability cases against corporations and the federal government. The WSJ article notes that these types of advertisements have increased…

Quiet Start to the Last Year of the 2023-24 Legislative Session

The New Year is off to a slow legislative start for the Pennsylvania General Assembly. This lack of activity is largely due to an extended session break by the state House of Representatives. Prior to the holiday break, House Speaker Joanna McClinton, D-Philadelphia, notified members that there would not be any voting days scheduled until the…

One Year In and the Medical Liability Venue Rule Change Has Had Major Impact

On January 1, 2023, the Supreme Court’s reversal of the state’s previous medical liability venue rule went into effect. (As a brief recap: Prior to the rule change, a plaintiff could only file a medical liability complaint in the county where the cause of action arose.) Since that time, the Pennsylvania Coalition for Civil Justice…

Beloved Pennsylvania Company Target of High-Profile Frivolous Lawsuit

The New Year has barely begun and already a lawsuit targeting one of the Commonwealth’s most well-known companies is making national news. Candy company Hershey is at the center of plaintiffs’ attorney Anthony Russo’s quest to go after large food brands under the pretense of false advertising. The federal suit, filed in Florida, focuses on…

PCCJR Warns of Litigation Attack on PA’s Energy Sector

Pennsylvania’s civil court system has long had a reputation as being plaintiff friendly and handing out nuclear verdicts. In fact, these issues were highlighted earlier this month in the American Tort Reform Foundation’s 2023 Judicial Hellholes Report – where the Commonwealth tied for the top spot. It’s no surprise that the state’s judicial landscape has…

Pennsylvania Ties for Top Spot in Annual Judicial Hellholes Ranking

Pennsylvania’s notorious legal climate has resulted in the Commonwealth jumping to the top spot of the American Tort Reform Foundation’s 2023 Judicial Hellholes® report. The Commonwealth is tied with Georgia for the No. 1 ranking, up one spot from ATRF’s 2022 ranking. ATRF attributes Pennsylvania’s top position on the national list to the escalating number of nuclear…