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The “explosion of personal injury” law firm advertisements flooding the greater Philadelphia area – and the large shift in focus and prioritization on marketing by these firms – was the subject of a recent Philadelphia Magazine article.

As the reporter highlights, not only are drivers in Philadelphia bombarded by an excessive number of personal injury law firm billboards, residents are also being constantly targeted on social media, the internet, television, print, and radio. It’s a near constant barrage – all funded by plaintiffs’ attorneys seeking clients. Notably, the article highlights a recent report showing that trial lawyers spent $84 million on advertising in just Pennsylvania in 2023.

From branding opportunities with Philadelphia mainstays, to marketing efforts to broaden name recognition, to the truly over the top and outlandish attention-grabbing ads, the article delves into how and why legal advertising has evolved over the years. As law firms have placed a greater emphasis on marketing and outreach, the number of civil litigation cases in plaintiff friendly Philadelphia has increased. These ads plant the seeds of excessive verdicts in the minds of people who then bring these notions into the courtroom as jurors.

The article can be read in its entirety here

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